Who Invented The First Television?
Philo Taylor Farnsworth invented the first television in America, but failed to pr
oduce his system commercially. He licensed his patent to the British communications company, British Gaumont and the American company, RCA who developed the first televisions commercially after World War II (Idea Finder, 2007). Boy--that was an easy answer. Now....

Who Invented The First Color Television, Really?
I did not read about this in history books. I did not hear about it from members of the community or country from where it originated. What a difference a little research can make to discover the unexpected, or so I thought.
I thought a genius named Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena invented the first color television (Sharon, 2010). However, other research by various organizations disputes the fact that Camarena was the first inventor of the color television. The research staff of RCA Laboratories (between1946 and 1950), a German in 1904, and John Logie Baird on July 3, 1928 supposedly invented the color television. Does anyone know who first conceptionalized the color television?
Sharon, P. (2010). Who Invented Color Television? Retrieved May 13, 2010, from http://answers.ask.com/Computers/Hardware/who_invented_color_television/ http://www.ask.com/ans?q=When+was+color+tv+invented%3F&qsrc=2987&o=15732&l=dir
The Great Idea Finder (2007). Fascinating facts about Philo T. Farnsworth, Retrieved May 13, 2010, from http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/farnsworth.htm
Wikipedia (2010). Mechanical television, Retrieved May 14, 2010, from
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