Communication is the process by which all humans interact. Communication can be verbal and non-verbal or both at the same time. In this blog, the focus will be on communication via media technology, which includes both verbal and non-verbal communication. Four media technological devices will be discussed, but all media technological input is welcomed.
The Modern Computer Age
The first digital computer was made in 1940 by George Stibitz for Bell Labs. A series of computer developments sprang from that machine in the early 1940s, including the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), which was used to perform calculations for the government during WWII. The advances in the mechanics and performance of computers grew during the war, and computers became faster, slightly smaller and more powerful. However, there were still no computer systems available that the average person could use or afford then (Maughan, 2010).
That is not the case today. In modern societies, 90% of all households have a computer. These computers range from desktops to net book. They are able to access the internet and download all applications such as music, games, weather channel etcetera.
Where and how the computers continue to evolve will be interesting to see. I do think Babbage would be amazed to have started something so revolutionary. He would probably also say enough is enough. All comments are welcomed.
Maughan, Jennifer (2010). Who Invented the Computer? Retrieved May 13, 2010, from http://www.life123.com/technology/home-electronics/inventions-2/who-invented- the-computer.shtml.
Msi (2010). Computer Model, Retrieved May 14, 2010, from http://us.msi.com/msiaio/specs/detailpage.aspx?id=2The ipod was introduced by Apple, and created by Jon Rubinstein and his collaborators, Tony Fadell and Micheal Dhuey(2008). The iPod allows you to you to listen to the radio, store music, and videos all on one small device. There are more than 15 different types of iPods. The iPod Shuffle is the newest and smallest of all the iPod models made by Apple as the picture portrays (2006). That is quite amazing.
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Foster, K. (2008, January 18). Who Invented The Ipod? The Complete Story. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Who-Invented-The-Ipod?-The-Complete-Story&id=935470
Neumayr, Tom (2005, January 11). Apple Introduces IPod Shuffle, Retrieved May 10, 2010, from http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2005/jan/11shuffle.html
Patterson, Ben (2010). Wait — did Obama just diss the iPad? Retrieved May 10, 2010, from